Hello. I am Chris. This is my blog. I made this so that I could post my pictures and commentary upon the world. Plus, I am really tired of people saying, HEY! SEND ME THAT PICTURE YOU TOOK THE OTHER DAY. So. Here ya go punks! All pictures are copywrite of Chris Hays.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

This is a great show. I love the anime. You should take a look at this stuff. It's called
Rock Gods of Rock and oh. By the way, it ROCKS! I think this is some funny stuff, and if they do it right they will be able to be on the air for a long time. It's defiantly worth some watching! have fun! *Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the first episode*

Watch me!!! NOW!!Posted by Picasa

Channel 101 and 102 are kewl!

Stop what you are doing right now and watch this little diddy.

So Yeah! Apparently Bill Cosby does not like the First Amendment very much. He has sent a lawyer to put an end to a great show, channel 101's House of Cosbys. It's only going to four episodes. So take a look at it while you still can. Thanks Bill, you are an ass hole. By the way, this is a great show for young and old alike. Er... What is this, a fricking review? Ha! I dont do those. Anyway, this a fun show, and if you have not already seen it, please by all means do!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fourth of July! Fun and Fireworks!

Also, a dismal first time for me and my camera. Even my friend Rafs advice came up sort of short. Overall, I am not really happy with the way the pictures turned out. They look totally digital. They look like something from a sci-fi show. Hey! That was an explosion from a little ball of combustible paper? Could have fooled me! I thought that was some sort of space battle! Oh well... If you are going to view these pictures, let me remind you to click on the images to make them larger. You will get a much better experience that way.

A family outing! Posted by Picasa

holding hands... Posted by Picasa

ahh, love! Posted by Picasa

a little girl has fun with a glowing thingy Posted by Picasa

goofin with the lights. ahh.. i miss raves... well, not really. Posted by Picasa

Frost Bank. Some people say if you look at it a certian way, it looks like an owl. Cant really tell from this picture though... Posted by Picasa

The first firework of the night Posted by Picasa

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fun with photoshop Posted by Picasa

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Dont forget to click on me to enlarge!!! Posted by Picasa

A good one Posted by Picasa

Nice Posted by Picasa