Hello. I am Chris. This is my blog. I made this so that I could post my pictures and commentary upon the world. Plus, I am really tired of people saying, HEY! SEND ME THAT PICTURE YOU TOOK THE OTHER DAY. So. Here ya go punks! All pictures are copywrite of Chris Hays.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Star Wars D+3 Final thoughts...

Ok. Now that the movie has sunk in for a couple of days. I think I finally know what has been so wrong with me and the new star wars.

All the things I have said in my other post I am still going to say. I think it was warranted at the time because yet again, I was just so pissed off. For this post, however, I will sing to a different tune, one that is not so quickly rushed by my darker side.

So this is now how I feel. I think that George Lucas, after directing the original SW, made a great decision in not directing episodes five and six. Empire is still thought to be the best movie out of the six. Why? Because Irvin Kershner directed and did an absolutely wonderful job. The same with Jedi. Lucas wrote the story, but with a little help from others that story was honed and tempered into mithril instead of the dud iron which consisted of the prequals. For the prequals Lucas' heart was in the right place, but his love of cg and lack of a good editor and cast doomed the movies to dull dialogue and wooden characters. Put bluntly, he sucks as a director and it shows. To me, this is inexcusable. I have literally gown up with star wars. My inner child is bound to this fantasy in so many ways. I remember spending whole days trying to fathom the workings of a blaster pistol and the width of a lightsaber blade. In high school we used to talk endlessly about the Emperor and quote every line. Did the Emperor try to release a force storm after he was thrown haplessly to his doom and fail? Did Lucas form his 'Empire' idea from Issac Asamov's 'Foundation?' This fantasy was ALIVE in us! It FLOWED through us! It bound our GALAXY together!
So now when I look at phantom menace, I am expecting to see finesse. Not a cartoon. I want to see dramatic scenes, not a cg character that says "Exqueese me" I want more Palpatine, more GOOD directing! If even half the movie was directed like this, I would have been pleased.
The choppy scenes and half assed acting that consist of the prequals are a real drag. Plus it seems that a lot of lines are similar to his original three movies. I didnt catch this at first, but I found myself realizing Lucas was reusing lines from the first saga. WTF? Once again and for the last time I say, hey man, you're messing with my religion here. Please dont cut and paste, it's just SO sloppy! I've heard it before! It was cool the first time Han said "I've got a bad feeling about this," and then Leia said the line. And then 3PO said the same line. etc etc... But to do that again for the prequals is just not cool. And I know this is not really a fair thing to demand of Lucas. But you know what? It really could have been better. Even if it was the same frikin script for each movie, a different director would have worked wonders. We would have actually cared that Anakin turned, actually believed in the transformation. If they would have cut the cg crap down about 1/3 of what it is now, it would have been amazing. Truly it would have. Fine you can do space cg, I accept that. But yoda? And storm troopers?
Ahh... I dont want this to be a rant. Anyway. If George Lucas ever read this I would have this to say to him.
I am very disappointed in you. You are not a good director and you should have left that for someone else. Shame on you for doing such a bad job. If I were a professor, I would give you a F+ A whole lot of people were counting on you, and you failed them. Forever. My inner child is crushed, and you dont seem to care. SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars! Episode SUCK!

my interpretation? :p Posted by Hello

So yah. Star wars. Here we go again! I have one thing to say at this juncture. FINALLY IT'S FUCKING OVER WITH!!! Now I can go back to my life. Yeah! It's over! No more movies from that crappy guy George Lucas. With apology's to everyone, I think the title up there in the picture pretty much sums it up for me. So let me interpret what I noticed about the movie!

One. It sucks big bad bantha balls!

Two. George lucas should have one finger cut off as punishment for every scene that was directed poorly. Which is all of them except two. Just two! (The scene when he becomes Darth Vader is awesome, and the scene where he goes off to kill everyone in the temple is awesome. I like the music there. Nicely done.) Oh yah, but when we run out of fingers, we should start on his toes. After that, one nice square inch of skin shall be taken. After that, we just put leaches all over him to simulate what it might actually feel like if we threw him to the Sarlac pit monster. Of course, we would have to continually give him blood from a machine, but i think if everyone pitched in there would be enough pissed off people to make him survive for a thousand years.

ok, so i really didnt have any interpretations, but lets just continue on with random venting.

Three. Yoda. Ok common! Why no puppet? Why do we have to look at that fake cg shit when in close ups they could have used a puppet to properly throw off the correct shadows? AND why does he turn every line around? It's just so awkward. In Empire, yoda was able to talk normally sometimes which made his zen way of talking more believable. And should Yoda and chewie get a room or something? WHAT THE HELL WAS CHEWIE DOING IN THIS MOVIE??? IT's like whenever the people in Star Trek travel back in time and see a younger crewmate who is only 20, because you know, Vulcans live for 250 years or something. But still! AT LEAST there was a tangable reason for... ohh wait, I don't care anymore.

Four. One thing that George Lucas needs so badly to learn is the art of segue. Or he needs to hire a really good editor. But honestly, i am so out of care it just does not matter.

Five. What was the deal with that one scene with him and the emperor. It was such a cool scene until they decided to enhance megaphone style the emperors voice. WTF?

Six. Sorry but that General Grevious thing? That was by far the worst CGI acting I have ever seen in my adult life. No wait. Jar jar is the number one thing. No wait, Yoda is number one. No wait! That half-assed Jabba the Hut from the first Star Wars is number one. No... that flying bug taxi driver thing is number one. Wait! ALL the stormtpoopers. No, or was it all the Gungans?

Seven. Did anyone else think about Route 66 after the emporer needed to say that more than once?

Eight. Is it just me or did anyone else almost bust a gut when Vader broke out of his bed? For some reason Frankenstien invades my thoughts on that one.

Nine. Ok. Anakins decent into Vader was this. Anakin has bad dream. Anakin asks for help. Anakin get's it sort of but it's from a bad guy so he decides to do the right thing and turns in the bad guy. Anakin then kills Sam Jackson to protect the bad guy. Then two seconds later kneels to the bad guy and then five minutes later kills kids. Anakin then proceeds to kill everyone. All because of a bad dream. This is supposed to explaine how the most evil man in the galaxy comes about? I'm sorry, but i am just not convinced at all.

Rah. I went to the draft house thanks to a hot tip from Kelly and got some people in costume. This was a couple of hours ago. If i were to take a picture of the same people now... well do you really think they will be smiling?

It's so worth it people. So worth it. wait.. no.. no.. it's not. Posted by Hello

His racing days are soooo over, well, if you dont count the mad dash to throw up in the toilet after seeing this flick. Posted by Hello

So lads and lasses, this movie rates a negitive score from the Care-O-Meter! Way to go Lucas! I wonder what sort of gems hes gonna throw at us over the next ten years! At least we know they will all be CGI based. Because apparently, thats what makes the real difference!

The care-o-meter never lies. Posted by Hello

So i know this post is pretty relentless, but to be quite honest, I dont care. These movies could have been so much better if we had a different director at the helm. It's just not fair on so many levels. My inner child screams and cries! This is it? After two crappy movies this is WHAT HAPPENED? How it played out?! And yes. This IS it. Now Lucas has refused to even admit he had another three movies after Revenge of the Jedi planned. Whatever.

So yah. This is pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. I am so tired now, so done with Lucas. I am really looking forward to the animated series, which they showed an episode while waiting for the movie at Drafthouse. Also i heard they were going to create several tv shows. That might turn out interesting as well.

We shall see. As for me, the only "force" that's gonna be happening around here is when right after this post I visit the bathroom to get this movie out of my ass. So really, may the force be with you all... in the bathroom.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Sorry, but this is just so pathetic I had to show it to the world.


How f'd up is this? I dont know because I was laughing too hard! These robot cats are funny as hell! It reminds me of that Claymation Christmas special.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Baby A's and where I stays.

Kell and I had the opportunity the other day to soak in some sun and some Margaritas at baby a's. Ahhh it was so much fun. He had to leave to get his cable hooked up, and I told him that I would walk back to the apartment because it was such a nice day.

So, these are some pics of the a's and the walking back. I would have to say my apartment is smallish, but i love it anyway.

this is at baby a's. margarita lovin. these are the best in town in me humble opinion.  Posted by Hello

mmmmmm Posted by Hello

corny Posted by Hello

this is next to flip's. I can walk back to my apartment after my marg binge! yeah to where i live! Posted by Hello

nice Posted by Hello

bee Posted by Hello

arrrr Posted by Hello

spiral o' doom Posted by Hello

and now for some more flower shots! Posted by Hello

.. Posted by Hello

.. Posted by Hello

these were so freakin green and reflective! Posted by Hello

i think that it's ironic that i am poor and also live on a street named kinney. Posted by Hello

bugger. Posted by Hello

kelly's corner. his window is so much cooler than mine. i hate him for that. Posted by Hello

reflection on kellys car of the side of his building Posted by Hello

Gato Negro, Cabernet. A fine wine for a mere 758 pennies.  Posted by Hello

my bike. i live a short distance to zilker park, and thats where i am gonna be taking this puppy. just a few improvments first. like replacing the front wheel which is about to bust apart. i also need to fix the gear system. it can currently only go up to seven. Posted by Hello

when i first got into this place. my electric was turned on. i had a problem however. only one plug worked. plus, i could turn on the power to the rest of my apartment, but i had to twist the dials on the stove to make it work. Posted by Hello

ahh me living room. i need many more pictures on my walls.  Posted by Hello

small bathroom. that door to the left is my one and only closet. i wont even bother taking a picture of my bathroom part where i only have hot water. yah, and whats the deal with that? i only have HOT water. weird! Posted by Hello